Ian JungDec 5, 2023Implications of Promotion May Invalidate Employment ContractEmployees frequently enter into employment contracts that limit their notice entitlements upon a without cause termination. However,...
Ian JungAug 8, 2023After-Acquired Cause to TerminateWhen an employer terminates an employee without cause, the employer must provide the employee reasonable notice. Where the employee is...
Ian JungJun 20, 2023Wrongful Dismissal and Aggravated and Punitive DamagesAggravated and punitive damages are discrete heads of damage that are potentially available in wrongful dismissal claims. A judge may...
Ian JungFeb 15, 2023Remote Work and the Element of Trust – Employee Ordered to Pay Back Employer for Time TheftOn January 11, 2023, the Civil Resolution Tribunal ("CRT") issued the decision of Besse v. Reach CPA Inc., 2023 BCCRT 27. This decision...